I’m thrilled to have Erik Cason joining me for this episode of the pod.
Erik is a Crypto-anarchist, farmer, and iconoclast. He is obsessed with Bitcoin, and has been working in the industry since 2013. Erik has a deep understanding of cryptography technology and brings a unique perspective with his research in philosophy, political theory, and economics.
Here are some of the topics we cover:
- The risk of misunderstanding Bitcoin.
- What we actually mean by “fiat money” and the various problems it causes.
- The mass breakdown of trust in the large institutions of our time.
- How government’s abuse of power through the “exception” is fundamentally altered with the arrival of digital cryptography.
- The role of personal responsibility in Bitcoin.
- The potential messianic nature of Bitcoin.
- The profound affect that a personal savings technology can have on your life.
You can read more of Erik’s articles on his medium page at medium.com/@erikcason, and you can follow him on twitter at @ErikCason
I had a blast talking to Erik, I hope you enjoy listening in.
With TheBitcoinPath.com, my goal is to grow my understanding about Bitcoin and help others do the same with podcasts and private events. In the podcasts I get to sit down for deep discussions with some of the great people in the community. The paid events give you the opportunity to go deeper down the rabbit hole in a compressed amount of time with personal guidance from well respected Bitcoin educators.
The opportunity cost for not understanding Bitcoin is staggering and it’s growing by the day.
More about the upcoming Interactive Deep Dive online event is here.
Check out all the other upcoming events here.
*Intro and outro music is the song Hearts, graciously licensed to us by Blackbird Blackbird. Be sure to check out his other great songs on Spotify!